Excerpts from Harmful to Minors by Judith Levine

Harmful to Minors covers the history of youth; the history of social attitude about youthful sexuality (including what factors influence that attitude both past and present); the nature of childhood sexuality; whether sex or sexual material is harmful to young people; the harmful impacts of societal attitudes about youthful sexuality; and the topic of youth oppression in the family, society and the legal system.

It’s a very brave book that includes a lot of information within—less than half of which is included here. I recommend reading the entire book if any of what you read here interests you. I’ve left a lot out. Support the author if you can, but otherwise this book can be found on Anna’s Archive.

Notes on citations: I’ve included some (not all) of the citations for certain excerpts. Mostly for whatever I found interesting or informative. Some citations included additional notes that I didn’t include. I mostly wanted to provide the relevant sources for anyone interested in further reading, and also be able to easily find them again myself. Not all of them can be found online and would require contacting the associated publisher.

Also note, this book was published in 2002.

Sections are separated by pages:

2 – Some highlighted excerpts from throughout the book

If you want to do as little reading as possible than I recommend this section.

3 – Introduction (the history of childhood and the premise of the book)

4 – Censorship (in the name of protecting youth)

5 – Manhunt (the pedophile and satanic panics and AoC laws)

I included a lot of this chapter so it’s a long section, but I recommend reading it if you’re a MAP.

6 – Therapy (the pathologizing of children’s sexuality and child sex-offenders)

Very clearly demonstrates the ways in which we harm youth by pathologizing and punishing their sexuality.

7 – Crimes of Passion (teen/adult relationships and AoC Laws)

Also highly recommend this one if you’re a MAP.

8 – No-Sex Education (history and effects of sex ed in America)

9 – Compulsory Motherhood

10 – The Expurgation of Pleasure

11 – The Facts (sex-positive sex ed outside of federally funded education and the family)

12 – What is Wanting? (differences of desire between genders)

13 – Good Touch (“no-touch” education, and the alternative)

14 – Community (history of AIDS and prevention)

15 – Epilogue (also, how much America sucks for kids)

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

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