Category: youth liberation

  • The downward spiral of seeking dehumanization – An open letter

    The downward spiral of seeking dehumanization – An open letter

    I think more people need to be aware of the downward spiral and where it can lead, as well as how stigma around taboo sexuality leaves kinky minority people more vulnerable to abuse (and potentially worse) – If they can’t get it easily and safely in real life without shame, they turn to the internet… Continue reading

  • Derail-Activism – Pro-Paraphilia

    Derail-Activism – Pro-Paraphilia

    Derail-Activism is what I’m deciding to call this idea since as far as I know it’s not something that’s currently practiced, if it is practiced it’s very uncommon. The idea is to reach a wide audience of people by targeting viral posts/content and commenting a pre-written message in the associated thread. This allows someone to… Continue reading

  • Explaining the differences between sex and gender

    Explaining the differences between sex and gender

    If you’re someone who doesn’t believe in the difference between these two concepts, I would like you to keep an open mind. The difference between sex and gender is more scientific than you might think. Disclaimer: I’m using the terms male and female only to refer to sex and will not use them interchangeably with… Continue reading