Category: sex positive feminism

  • My contact stance for AMSC

    AMSC: Adult/minor sexual contact I want to preface this with a few things for anyone who doesn’t know me. All of that is to say, my opinions on this are not based on sexual self-fulfillment or an overly idealistic outlook. If it were about my sexual fulfillment, the focus would be in a very different… Continue reading

  • Excerpts from Harmful to Minors by Judith Levine

    Harmful to Minors covers the history of youth; the history of social attitude about youthful sexuality (including what factors influence that attitude both past and present); the nature of childhood sexuality; whether sex or sexual material is harmful to young people; the harmful impacts of societal attitudes about youthful sexuality; and the topic of youth… Continue reading

  • Excerpts From The Trauma Myth by Susan A. Clancy

    Because of the title, I want to start off by clarifying what this book is and isn’t. This is a book about child sexual abuse (CSA). It’s not a book that claims adult/minor sexual contact (AMSC) isn’t harmful, the author makes her stance against all AMSC very clear. It’s a book that focuses on where… Continue reading