Category: paraphillia

  • Explaining my sexuality and gender

    Explaining my sexuality and gender

    I just wanted to have it all in one place, in detail. Consider this an in-depth reference guide. This is mostly for the fun of self expression, but it’s also for ease of shareability when I want to inform someone (like people I’m interested in, for instance!) This ended up pretty long. Sexuality I’m going… Continue reading

  • Why self-diagnosis is valid

    It bother’s me that the mainstream opinion of self-diagnosis (particularly of mental health issues, personality disorders and neurodivergency) is that it’s problematic and it means you’re lying or aren’t taking it seriously. Here are some points to argue against that, and please do actually argue about it! It’s a harmful mindset and needs to die.… Continue reading

  • Brief introduction to attachment theory

    Attachment theory is the study of the process of how humans form relationships, in particular how children (particularly infants and young children) develop attachments to their caregivers. I’m writing about this because deep down I think we all know our early experiences shape us psychologically, but we’re never actually taught how to explore this and… Continue reading